Page:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu/496

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Totec (Our Great Chief). A sun-god, 101-102; his feast, the chief solar festival, 101-102

Totemism. Among the primitive Peruvians, 291-293

Totonacs. Aboriginal Mexican race, 23; and the sun, 82

Toueyo. Tezcatlipoca's disguise, 61-63

Toveyo. Toltec sorcerer; and the magic drum, 16

Toxcatl. Festival; of Tezcatlipoca, 69-70; of Huitzilopochtli, 74

Toxilmolpilia. Mexican calendar ceremony; and the native dread of the last day, 41

Troano Codex. Maya manuscript, 160; Dr. Le Plongeon and the reference to Queen Móo in, 246

Tucuman (World's End). Name given by the Quichua-Aymara to their land of origin, 254

Tulan (or Tulan-Zuiva). City; the starting-point of the Kiche migrations, 157-158, 231; the Kiche arrive at, and receive their gods, 230; parallel with the Mexican Chicomoztoc, 230; the Kiche confounded in their speech at, 231

Tumipampa. Sometime centre of the northern district of Peru, 286, 289, 290

Tupac-atau-huallpa (The Sun makes Good Fortune). Son of Huaina Ccapac, 289

Tupac-Yupanqui (Bright). Tenth Inca, son of Pachacutic, 252-253, 287-288; achievements as ruler, 287; and the Huarcans, 288; and the Rock of Titicaca, 309-310

Tutul Xius. Ruling caste among the Itzaes; found Ziyan Caan and Chichen-Itza, 153; expelled from Chichen-Itza by Cocomes, 153; settle in Potonchan, build Uxmal, and regain power, 154; again overthrown, and found Mani, 155; finally assist in conquering the Cocomes, 156

Tzitzimimes. Demons attendant on Mictlan, 96

Tzompantitlan. Place mentioned in the myth of Huitzilopochtli's origin, 71

Tzompantli (Pyramid of Skulls). Minor temple of Huitzilopochtli, 31

Tzununiha (House of the Water). One of the first women of the Popol Vuh myth, 230

Tzutuhils. A Maya people of Guatemala, 158, 159


Uayayab. Demon who presided over the nemontemi (unluckydays), 177; God N identified with, 177

Uemac. Tezcatlipoca and the daughter of, 61-63

Uitzlampa. Place in Mexico; in myth of Huitzilopochtli's origin, 72

Urco-Inca. Inca superseded by Pachacutic, 284

Uricaechea, M. His collection of Chibcha antiquities, 277

Uxmal. Mexican city, founded By Tutul Xius, 154; abandoned, 155; ruins at, 191-194; primitive type of its architecture, 194


Vatican MSS., 37; description of the journey of the soul in, 37-38

Vega, Garcilasso el Inca de la. Hist. des Incas, cited, 7; on the gods of the early Peruvians, 291

Venus. The planet; worship of, 96-97; the only star worshipped by Mexicans, 96; Camaxtli identified with, 111; temple of, at Cuzco, 262

Vera Cruz. Quetzalcoatl lands at, 6

Verapaz. District in Guatemala, 158