Lines 2000-2130 : WRITE FONT TO DISK
This section is a standard routine to output the font to the disk specified by drive number DO. The initial lines of this routine give the user the option of changing either the filename or the disk drive number. All routines in this program assume that the disk controller card is inserted in slot #6. After completion of the write routine, control is returned to the main menu beginning at line 100.
The routines in this section allow the user to modify a font in a number of ways. The menu for this section (lines 3000-3050) indicates that the user may APPEND to a font, INSERT a character, REPLACE a character, REMOVE a character, or EXIT to the display routine of line 4000. In all modes but EXIT, the font insert flag, (FI), is set and the font is displayed. if the APPEND mode is selected, then the character location variable, L, is set to the end of the font and control is passed to the character input routine of line 1000- (line 3100). In the INSERT, REPLACE, and REMOVE modes, the follovv'ing procedures take place;
INSERT (line 3150-) requests the location to insert, LO , moves all font characters from LO to the end of the font, LMAX, up one location (line 3170), displays the adjusted font and saves it on hires page 2 (line 3180) , jumps to the character input routine for the inputting of one character, displays the new font (line 3220), and returns to the menu.
REPLACE (line 3230-) requests the character number to replace, LO, displays the font (line 3210), jumps to the input routine to input a character, displays the new font, and returns to the menu.
REMOVE (line 3230-) requests the character number to delete, LO, moves all characters from LO to the end of the font, LMAX, down 1 (line 3250), displays the new font (line 3260), and returns to the menu.
In all of these routines, the current font is saved in the memory space reserved for the hires page 2 graphics ( $4000-$6000) by the hires page flip routines of lines 11000-.