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Page:NIOSH Hazard review of Carbonless Copy Paper.pdf/17

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ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
BLASB benzoyl leuco acronal sky blue
BLMB benzoyl leuco methylene blue
°C degrees centrigrade
CB coated back
CCP carbonless copy paper
CF coated front
CFB coated front and back
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CI confidence interval
cm centimeter
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
CVL crystal violet lactone
D-ink desensitizing ink
DETA diethylenetriamine
DPM diphenylmethane
EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Fed Reg.  Federal Register
ft foot (feet)
ft2 square foot (feet)
g gram(s)
GC gas chromatography
GC/MS gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
HMDI hexamethylene diisocyanate
hr hour(s)
