Since our former visit to Launceston, considerable improvements have been made in the place. A bridge across the North Esk is in a considerable state of advancement, and a Penitentiary for females is nearly completed. The latter is to supersede one at George Town, which is in a ruinous state, and to which the transfer of the prisoner-women, in boats, is highly objectionable.
The Aborigines now residing on Flinders Island have a small flock of sheep, that were given them by a benevolent individual in the Colony. These are fed upon Green Island; and the wool which they have produced, was committed to my charge, to dispose of, for the owners. The proceeds were to be applied in the purchase of hardware and clothing; this was effected accordingly, and some of the inhabitants of Launceston, liberally added to the stock of goods, in a variety of useful articles that were not very saleable in their shops, and of partially worn garments, so that on returning to Flinders Island, we had some considerable packages of goods for the Blacks.
12th mo. 15th. We had two meetings in the Courthouse, at Launceston, which were attended by a considerable number of people. To me, they were seasons of laborious exercise, under a sense of great weakness of flesh and of spirit: I was enabled, however, to hold up the standard of