and smoother than usual. His superiority consists in a dignified, unobtrusive mildness of manner and deportment.
His son appears to be between twenty-three and twenty-five years of age, and stands about five feet nine inches; is fair, and possesses more knowledge than the father. His expression is mild.
The daughter is apparently about fourteen or fifteen years old, and, like all the females of the north-west coast, very short-limbed. Like her sex, she was desperately bent on ornaments, and had enough about her neck and wrists (although covered by her blanket) to set up a distinct trade. Unfortunately, I had none to bestow; Government, or Captain Beechey, not having considered the ladies of sufficient importance, to provide the presents necessary for their gratification. This is bad policy, as their first demand is invariably for presents for the wives and children; and if they are not gratified, we well know the result all the world over.
The dress of the natives differs much from those to the northward. Their cloaks, which are circular capes with a hole in the centre, edged with sea-otter skin, are constructed from the inner bark of the cypress. It turns the rain, is very soft and pliable, and is in use for mats, sails, ropes, clothing, &c.; the roofs of their houses are also covered with it.
They make use of the dried fucus giganteus, anointed with oil, for lines, in taking salmon and sea-otters. The hook is baited with a herring, which