Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/111

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COASTS OF AUSTRALIA. CHAPTER II. Exim?Ir?o? of Ro?leI's $1?oals, ?nd P?ge to the North C,,mst.---$urvey of Goulbum Islands, Mountnorris and Ra?m Bays :--Meet a Malay Fleet, and communicate. with one of the Pr(ms :-- Explore Port Essington:mAttacked by Natives in . Knoeker's Bay :-- Anchor'in Popham Kay :-- Visit from tim Malays :? Examination of Van Diemen's Gulf, including Sir George Hope's Islands and Alligator ]?ivers:mSurvey of the Northern Shore of Melville Island, and Apsley Strait .?--lnterview with. the Natives of Luxmore Head.?--Procure wood at Port �Hurd:?Natlves:?Clarence $trait:--I,eave the Coast, and arrival at Timor. Ts?E south-east wind, which set in on the morning lS?S. that we let? our anchorage otF Depuch Island, M?8. continued to blow with thick misty weather, and made us conjecture that the westerly monsoon was nearly expended; we, therefore, steered the coast with the ?tention of l?roceeding to the eastwad towards Cape Arnhem, after asee?- tainin? the position of a shoal that was seen by Captain Rowle?, in H.?.?. Imperieuse, in 1800, and of two others that are described by Captain Horsburgh to be in its yicinity., They are situated according to the above authorities as follows, viz. :? lmperieuse Shoal (?uth end) lat. 17 ? 35'. long. 118 �. Shoal seen by the ship Goocl Hope (north end) , . . lat. 17 �'. long. 1 IDo 18'. Shoal seen by Capt. Clcrke, (north part) . . . lat. ]7 �' long. ?1? � �