Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/159

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COASTS OF AUSTI?,,?.I.J.A. 101 .range. of hills extending from E.b.S. to S. 27�sxs. In aft other directions the eye wandered over a May 6. dreary, low, and uninterruptedly fiat country; .which, in most parts, is covered with an arundi- naceous grass. The mangrove bushes on the banks of the river, which was quite salt, were crowded with the nests of an egret, in which the young birds were nearly fledged. Hawks, wild ducks, pelicans, and pigeons, were also abundant, and an immense flight of white cockatoos hovered over the mangroves, .and quite disturbed the air with their hideous screamings. A small black. water. bird, about the size of a pigeon, with a white neck and a black ring round it, was ob- served,. but not near enough to enable us to as- certain its species. On our course up and down the river we encountered several very large alli- gators, and some were noticed sleeping on the mud. This was the first time we had seen these animals, excepting that at Ooulbum Island, and, as they appeared to be very numerous and large, it was not thought safe to stop all night up the river, which we must have done had we remained for the next flcod-tide. No inhabitants were seen, but the fires, that .were burning in all directions, proved that they could not be far off'.