Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/223

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coss? o? suar?SLIS. 1?3 at sunset we were off Cape Frederick Hendrink, lSlg. which is the northern head of Adventure Bay: J*? ?. between this and Quoin, or Sloping Island, we stood off and on during the night. At daylight we entered the Dement River, and anchored off Hobart town at seven o'clock in the morning. Here we remained until the 7th of February, Feb. ?. on which day the judge embarked, and we lei? the place on our return to Port Jackson. On the 14th, at dusk, we passed Botany Bay, ?4. and it was dark when we were abreast of Port Jackson; but, being su?ently acquainted with the place, and favoured by the wind, we did not hesitate to enter; and anchored off Sydney Cove at nine o'clock in the evening. M2