Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/248

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-186 suav?.� oF ?!lie Ilq'!?nTIl?PICAL lSte. we?chor? in ?* ?. ?om ?e shore, w?ch is here low and ? by a ?ain of low isl?ds, apparently ?n? by r?. W?er w? s? o?r the low b?m of ?e b?ht h fie S.W. side of fie bay, ?d is probably a l?n. 8. ?e next mo? we s? l?k at ?e h? d ?p? ?y; ?e ?m of wMch spears ? ? ?rr?y de? by C?n C?k ? bei? ?ded by low ?d. I o? a ?ew of it ?m of one ?p?se ?ese i?e? ?e ?sh? ? a ve? ?r ? sh?ow ?. ? ?e sid? & ?e ?, we n? a spies i? st? l?v?. ?mi?s?ne w? fo?d ?h?s, ? up, ?r?, by?e 5de; ?d on the proj? r?, ?ve? fir? and sl?pi? p? we? obsesS, wM& ?d ? r?n?y ?pi? by ?e ?ves. 9. T? ?o? mo?g we for ?itsu?ay P?; a ?e b?re' I ?d? ?th ?. ?e ?d Mr. ?gh?, ? a s? bight ?d ?e no?. side ? Ca?