Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/291

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.mast-head, ?d ?s openly, if?y, was s?? To ?e ?t? of o? ?se, abre?t ? point ?w, is ? sh?, s, about thr? ?s shew? ?eir he?s above yond ?is ?e w?er w? t? h? w ob?.? ?y ?i?. Point Ba?ow is eleven m? W ?e no?hw? of Ca? ?wen, ?d is a n?w pmmonto?, for? ?e sou? he? d a deep bay, whi& I in?nded ? ?&or in ?d ex?e; for it bore the nine of Port Ni? ? ?eu?t Je?ey's ?a?; but, on endring it, our w?dings mpi?y d?reas? w three ? a h?f fa?o? lo? beforo po?t Baffow shelte? us fwm the ?nd. st?ring over w ?e no? side, ?d a?mi? �at ?e sh? wa?r ex?nded ?ross ?e bay, we s? out ?n, ?d ?? a ?ost rugg? ? m?t s?y stones ?e ? d ro?d? fore, ?d h? up ? a most ?ff?? ?d w?us? if it were e? by s?e exff?r? ?on of naars. M?ht ?ey not have ?en of dilu. v? o? ? ?s pwm? w? n? by ?su?t Je?eys, Ca? Melee. At ?e o'? we p?aed betw?n ?e s?gg? r?ks which lie off ?e Ca? and Pi? Is?d; ?d as ws ?d? round