Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/305

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?ox?rs 'o?' 'X?SrnAUX. 243 ?v? ?us? ? ?id?t, ?d ?e an&? b?n J?y p?rly ?e; but ? its �sha?, ? berg b?y ?ou?t, our m?sfo?e is to be att?bu?. It w? ?e at Po? Ja&?. ? ?er ?- sion it ?ght ?ve ca? ?e 1o? of ?e Ves?l? b? 'formally, a few hours' day?ght, ?d a ?r ?n before us, enabl? Us ? p?, ? ?fore s?t we pass? ?by I?d.. A re- ?kab? ?in?den? of o? l?ses u?n ?e two ?y?s ? now ?u? l?t ye?, at 'th? No?h-W?t Ca? we'l?t two ?chors just as w? were co?encin? ?e survey, ?nd now, on ?und- ? ?e No?.?t C?, ? ?mmen? our ex?i- rotion of ?e noah ?ast, we have en?unter? a s?m?l?r loss, I? us, in bo? ?s?ces, Only ?e ?wer ?&or ?. ? on ?e suNey. ?by Is?d is a mere r?, ?e' r?r?t ? b?bi? ?? ?', ?.) ?d tu?es, of ?e ha?-bi? species. Some s?ght'vegetafion w? ?iv? u?n it, but it w? so entirely ?ve?' ' ? ?e excrement of bi?s, ?at it ? thePa- ?ce ? be? white-?hed? ?e n?ber of?ese birds was almost incre,hie, and ?ey hover? over ? about us ? we p?, ? if ? d?ve us from ?eir ?unt. The l?s of two anchors prevent? o? ? ? wh?e s?ing ?der o? misfo?e, R?