Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/33

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of Cook, Vancouver, Bligh, D'Entrecasteaux, Flinders, and Baudin, have gradually thrown a considerable light upon this extraordinary continent, for such it may be called. Of these and other voyages that were made during the 17th and 18th centuries to various parts of its coasts, an account is given by the late Captain Flinders, in his introduction to the Investigator's voyage; in which, and in that able and valuable work of the late Rear-Admiral Burney, "A Chronological Account of Discoveries in the South Sea and Pacific Ocean," the history of its progressive discovery is amply detailed.

    nuit il faisoit un fi'oid insuportable, et le jour on 6toit brCd? des ardeurs d?i Soleil. Toute esI?rance de sa- lut sembioit ?tre ?n'anch?e, et 1es fatigues, aussi-bien que le manque de nourriture, avoient enti?remeut ?uis? 1es forces de ,:es infortunt?s, lors-qu'un matin ils découvrirent les montagnes méridionales de la grande Java.
    This ship was probably wrecked in the neighbourhood of Dampier's Archipelago, near which there is also an account of the loss of a ship called the Vianen