Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/335

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and ?p ?s ?nne? P?; ?e ? ?hich ?s?. Perth's ?u? Island. ?e ?d, from C?el ?o?nt, trends S.S.?, ?d fo? a ?lembly deep b?ht .s?dy ?d, ??d by CfiF He?, a ?gh r?y proje?on well fumi? wi? tr?s. �is bay ?ere is, probably, an opening, but it is sins ?d lin? ? ?oves, ?r pass?g ?el Po?t ?e dep? rapi?y d?sed, and,. ? we cws? a sho?, w?ch ?ns off from the ?u?-e?t end of Peron's Sou? ?l?d ?d ex- ?nds deeply inW ?e bay, we c?ri? from two a? ?ree-qua?, W ?r? and a h? fa?oms. On c]?dng .it we stee? S.S.W., and ?er dark, an&or?. in five fa?oms, mud, Cl? Head ?aring S? 71 �(Ma?efic.) ?e bay, between the two p?j?ti?s, r?iv? �e n?e d ?son Bay, a?er the noble f?ly �at nine. Du?ng ?e night, we ? a retook - able ?pious h? of dew. ?e next day, at eleven o'cl?, we we? off Cape Ford: fwm this ca?, ?e coast t?nds in a S. 48 �dir?ion for five miles, to a low proj?i? ?int, ne? extre?ty of w?ch a clump of tr?s, r?ar?ble for ?eir wu?ed fo? ?d singd? ap?a?, w? ?picu?s: hen? it ex?nds S. 5?" W. Vo?. I. T Digitized ?' Gooc?[e