Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/37

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have been established in 1? Majesty? ?hil? When ployed ?n Voyages of Didovery.

In order to a?ist you in the care and u?e of the time- keeper? and instruments with which their Lordshitm have directed the Hydrographer of this depzxtment to furnish you, and to follow your orders in all other particula? relating to the service, my Lords have directed Me?rs. Fretcrick Bedwell and John Septlinus Roe, two yo, mg' gentlemen, who have been recommended to them as peculiarly tltted to be of use to'you, and for whose appointment you have expressed your wishes, to accompany you and to be under your command.

The prindpal objec? of your mission is to examine the. hitherto unexplored Coasts of New South Wales, from Arnhem Bay, near the western entrance of the Gulf of Carpentarh, westward and southward as far as the North-west Cape; including the opening, or deep bay called Van Diemen's Bay, and the cluster of islands called Rosemary Islands, and the inlets bshind them, which ?honld be most minutely examined; and, indeed, gl gulfs a?d openings should be the objects of imticuhr attentioh; as the chief motive for your survey/s to dis- cover whether there be any river on that part of the coast likely to lead to an interior ?avlgation into this great continent.