Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/382

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?s?. Cove to ? ?let. On our ret? we ?1? at ?. ? J? lsla? a? walk? ove? it, but ?th d?- c?ty, on a?t of ?e co? heaps of ?g? ?ones ?t ? strew? over i? ?y ?. ?e ,?f?, ?at ?w in ?e i?emti? of ?e . ?, was ?o no ?wnsiderable hinde? to our movement. ?hind ?e ?h w? a l?ge ?in ? of salt water ?hat,. in ?e wet s?n, would doubtless furnish fresh, since it app?r? W ?ve ?n fo?ed by the ? from ?e ?, ?e u?er sud?es ?whi?we? ho?ow? out by �e eff? of the r?n: ? hales or cisterns are probably f?l of wa?r in ?e wet s?on. .? ?e b? we found a broken ?en p?, which d?id?y prov? ?e f? of ?e M?ays visiting ?s pa? of ?e ?t, ?d expl?n? ?e mis?ievous disposition of ?e na?ves. ?fore we returned to the cutter, we l?d? on some r?s in ?e bay, at the ba& of J? Isl?d, w ?h, but ha?ng ve? li?e su?ess we did n? d?ay, ?d by s?set re?hed ?e v?l. r. ? ?e 7? we te? ?e ?chor?e ?der Vine Head, ?d by ?e a?d ? a b? from ?e N.W. worked ?t of the westin ent? of ?e ?y, whi? ap? ? be qui? fr? ?om d?ger of eve? so?. At sunset we ?cho? ? ?e outer ? of �e ? ? ?ne f?s ?d a ? ?ddy Digitized ?, Goog[e