Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/405

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navigation without the reefs, which has hitherto ,?o. been chiefly used. As it was not intended that I should make the survey of this extensive tract of coast, I did not feel myself authorized to exnmine/n any very detailed way the bottom o? every'bay or opening that presented itself; but merely co?fiued my: self to laying down 'the vessel's track, and the positions of various reefs that were strewed on either side of it; and also to fixing the situations of the head.lands. In doing this enough has been e/fected to serve as the precursor of a more particular examination of the coast, the appear- mice of which, from its general/ertile and moun- tainous character, made me regret the necessity of passing so hastily over it.