Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/468

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?)6 SURVEY Ol? T!? IIqTERTROPICAL Kangaroos'= tracks .were.?een, and a sma/i ?r ret? do? ?e ?ver, we l?d? on ,p?, where ?e ?p& d ?e ?11i? ?d ? ve?ure of ? t?s '?i? a ?obab?ty d ?r fi? ?h w?er, but ? ?n; not a ? ? o?. On ?ng we were 1? by ? ebb? fide ?n:a b? of mud; ?i?, however, n? l?w .wat?,' w e ?d o?y W exe? o? pafie? f? two ?urs. . We r? ?e v?s& by eleven o?k at right. Mr. R? ?d ? ret? ?fil sun? of ? ?ow?g &y ?m ?s ex?n? of ?e ?ver w?i& f? in? ?e ?ttom of ? ?. he le? ?e c?r, he p? w a h? at the en- ?r? of? ?ver, w? h? ?n ?in? ? W h? ? probably ?ng ? ?y ?, ?d k? w?ch he wo?d ob? a ?ew d the ?m? w ?ide his p??. ?om ?is elevation ?e ?un? ?nd ?? ?' ? ? stony a? b?en, ?ough ? ? ?ere ? ?me app? Ww?s '?pwv?; �e b?s d ?e ?ver were bw ? 1? ? w? i? ex?n?g ?gh ?e low w? to ?e f? of ?e ?k ?11s; ? low w?r ?e �m is ?t? by a b? of mud, ?n ? tw&ve