Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/476

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414 ?URVEY O! ? THE INTeRTROPICAL the anniversary of the late king's cor?nefion, was. subsequently called the Coronation Islands. The harbour was called Port Nelson, and a high rocky hill, that was distinguished over the land to the southward, received the name of Mount Tra- Notwithstanding we had constantly experi- enced since the period of our leaving the east coast both fine weather and smooth water, yet the leaky state of the vessel had been gradually increasing; leading me to fear that the injury received at Port Bowen had been much more serious than we had then contemplated. Having the advantage of smooth water and a fair wind during our passage up the east coast, the damage had not shewn itself until we reached Cairncross Island: after this it was occasionally observ?l, but with more or less effect according to the strength and the direction of the wind, and the state of the sea. At the anchorage off Booby Isla?A, being exposed to a swell, she made four inches of water in an hour; but, during the examination of Montagu Sound and the harbour we last lelY, it did not shew at all: upon leaving Hunter's River, and working 'agelos t a fresh sea.breeze, the leak ga/ned more than three inches in the hour; and, in passing round Cape Torrens, the vessel being pressed down in the