Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/48

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part of His Excellency to forward our outfit and complete the vessel for sea without delay, it was not until the 21st of December that the alterations were 6o?ished, Had we met With as much opposition and inattention from the commissariat department as from the engineer, the vessel would not have been ready is, however, a duty I owe to Deputy Commissary Greneral Allan, to aknowledge the readiness with which that offieer's department attended to my wants.

The following is a list of the officeers and men who formed the crew of the Mermaid :

Commander 1 Lieut, Phillip Parker King.

Master's mates 2 {Mr. Frederick Bedwell.

John Septimus Roe.

Seamen 12

Boys 2

Total 18

In addition to this establishment, I ac