Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/485

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COASTS OF AUSTRALIA, the copper, .for .that was now our only security, we could not venture to remove more than a few sept. sheets from those parts which appeared to be the most suspicious, under all of which we found the nails so defective, that we had reason to fear we might start some planks before we reached Port Jackson, the consequence of which would un- questionably be fatal to the ,?essel and our lives. All that we could do to remedy the defect, was' to caulk the water-ways and counter, and to nail an additional streak of copper a foot higher than before. This further temporary repair was finished by the 30th; but we were detained until the 5th of October before the tide rose high oct. 5. enough to float the cutter. During the time that the carpenter was thus occupied, all the crew were employed either in assisting him, or in cutting wood and filling water; so that I had no opportunity either of ,?isiting the surrounding islands, or of examining the country in the vicinity of the bay: but when the repairs were completed, and the people were more at leisure, I made an excursion as far as Bat Island, off Cape Brewster. From the summit of this ishnd a set of bear.' in? was obtained, particularly of the islands to the northward and westward. The ascent, on account of its steep and rugged nature, was very