Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/66

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12 ?UI?VEY OF THE INTERTROPICAL ?s?s. rock. After le?ving ?eal I?la?, we l?d? on Jan. ?. ?e s?dy b?ch abr?t of ?e ?c?e; &ing ?s ?e b?t ?, ?d ?e ?st?en? were ? w?, ?at ?ey were le? on the b?h to d? dung our absent. ?e hill ?ing s?p, and ?m?s? of a l?se d? s?d, w? d?cdt ?d fati?ing; but �e ?au?l flowe? and p?, wi? whi& �e surface of ?e ?H was strew?, rep?d us for our to?. ?ese ?ing ?1 new W Mr. C?ingh? ?y ?pi? ?s atten?on, whist I remdn? u?n ?e s?mit, ?m when? a ? ?ew w? ob?in? of the ?lipse Isles, ?d V?uver's bre?ers, b? of which ?e well ?id do? by Ca? Flinders, whose w?s I had ?re?y many ?ions ?ire. ? abund?ce of she?s of ?e ?d? tribe (hd? ?l?) w? fo?d on ?e top ?d sid? d ?e hill; ?d a ?r? sub- s? was obsen,? prot?ding from ?e gr? in every pa?, as n?ic? yet ?d ?inde?*; ?e foyer ?so f?nd it on the bare ?dy smut of B?d H?, ?d sup? it to be ?r?, a ci?s?n? ?om which he i?e? that ?e level of ?e ? must ?ve s?. Si? subst?s �V?c?ver, v �. p, ?. F?o?, v? I. p. Digitized ?, Goog[e