Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/87

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?)A9'r80? Aus'rRALIA. ? lined by a barrier of sharp rocks, covered with ls?s. species of ostrca and ?rita; but although these l?eb. ?o. were the only living testaceous animals that were found, the beach was covered with a multitude of dead and imperfect shells of various species. In the evening, after our return from the river, the weather clouded, but afterwards cleared up with a change of wind from the S.E., which, from its heat, and from the listless sensations it caused, resembled the hot land-wind of Port Jack,n: this seems to afford additional ground for the hypothesis, that the interior of this im- mense island is occupied by vast sandy deserts. On leaving this anchorage, it was low water, ?. when the depth was only six inches more than the vessel's draught; but the bottom being of mud, it deepened inch by inch, until we reached four, five, and six fathoms; and upon this depth we sailed the whole day, passing through a cluster, or rather range of sandy islets. In the evening we anchored under one of larger size than usual, about four miles from the main land, the shores of which had been traced during the day, without losing sight of any part of it; it was still low, and bounded either by "dun?" of sand, or an impervious forest of mangroves, beyond which no part of the interior could be VOL. I. D