Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 1.djvu/94

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?) SURVEY OF THE INTERTROPIC?L shewed his taste for this food by licking it with his tongue. He was then taken to the side of the vessel from which his companions were visible, when he immediately exclaimed, with much earnestness, and in a loud voice, "co? ?gr?," and repeated the words several times. After he had been on board for half an hour, during which time he had been greatly caressed, in order to induce him to give a favourable account of us to his companions, he was taken half way towards the shore in our boat, and then launched upon his log, to which was lashed an axe, and around his neck a bag was suspended containing biscuits, and a little of every thing that he appeared to fancy or be amused with during his short captivity. As soon as he perceived himself clear of the boat he paddled away, and in a short time reached the shore and joined his terrified compa- nions; who, upon his approaching them, ordered him to stand at a distance until he had thrown away his red cap, the bag, and the axe, and had answered several questions which they were apparently putting to him. All this time they had their spears poised and pointed towards him, and stood huddled together in the greatest alarm; the women were kept away, but their curiosity was so much excited that, although they were more terrified than the men, they were