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[CH. X.
ceive an annual stipend of 1,500 dollars, or £300 sterling each. There is at the present time in Guatemala a cathedral, with bishops and canons.
In Leon de Nicaragua, a cathedral, bishop, and canons.
In Comayagua, a cathedral, bishop, and canons.
In Ciudad Real, a cathedral, bishop, and canons.
And it is in agitation to erect two others; one in San Salvador, and the other in Costa Rica.
The religious communities are of the orders of Saint Francis, Saint Dominic, (very rich,) Saint Austin, Philip of Neri, Belen, (with an hospital,) Our Lady of Mercy and of the Reform, and of Saint Peter of Alcantara.
These large convents of the capital have smaller ones in the other cities and towns throughout the republic; and the