which have been had between the parties, have been of a friendly nature, and that the greater part of the population of that state are favourable to their union with Guatemala, although the same is now included in the list of the states of Mexico.
The coast from Cape Gracias á Dios towards Chagre was said to have been claimed by Colombia, in consequence of the decree of San Lorenzo, of the 30th of November 1803, which joined it to Granada, and took it from Guatemala. It was pretended that the Colombians forced vessels to land at some port in Colombia before they should touch upon the coast in question: the Guatemalian Minister, Soza, in his Exposé of 1825, observes that this declaration greatly surprised his government; that the territory in question had always belonged to Guatemala; that, in the law decreed by the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia of the 23rd June 1824, upon the division of their country, the Mosquito coast is not comprehended;