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Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/531

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For what place. Names. Profession.

State of Costa Rica.
Costa Rica. Pablo Alvarado. Doubtful.
Policarpio Bonilla. Merchant; very respectable. Ministerial.

N.B. The Ministerialists were called Moderados, or Moderatists, the Oppositionists Fiebres, or Feverists. Without prejudice to the talents and abilities of those Members, against whose names no observation appears, the characters of the others have been here noted according to the current opinion then existing with regard to them. That this opinion was true, in a political sense, is seen by reference to the State of St. Salvador, in which the opposition to the Government has, unfortunately, led to the fatal disturbances with which the republic has incessantly been, more or less, agitated, since the period when this list was made out.

The state of parties was then as follows:

Ministerialists 17
Oppositionists 12
Doubtful 4

The expected dissolution of Congress will give a sway to the party which may get the better of the other in the existing struggles; and it is to be confidently expected, that the Government of Guatemala will then be finally settled on a firm and solid basis.