6. "The discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands, by Bethencourt, in 1402–25." Translated and edited by Captain J. G. Goodenough, R. N.
7. "Rosmital's Embassy to England, Spain, etc., in 1466." Edited by R. C. Graves, Esq.
8. "Description of Africa, and of the notable things in it, by John Leo Africanus." To be translated from Ramusio, and edited with Notes and an Introduction, by Dr. Henry Barth, C. B.
9. "An account of the Coasts of Malabar and Eastern Africa in a. d. 1500," from a MS. in the library at Barcelona. Translated and edited by the Hon. Henry Stanley.
The following six members retire from the Council, viz.:—
- Lord Broughton.
- Sir H. Rawlinson, K. C. B.
- Sir E. Perry.
- Captain Sherard Osborn, R. N., C. B.
- William Stirling, Esq., M. P.
- J. Barrow, Esq., F. R. S.
Of this number the three following are proposed for re-election, viz.:—
- William Stirling, Esq., M. P.
- John Barrow, Esq., F. R. S.
- Sir Henry Rawlinson, K. C. B.
And the names of the following gentlemen are proposed for election:—
- Allen Young, Esq., R. N. R.
- Thomas K. Lynch, Esq.
- William Webb, Esq.