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King and Fairy Ring

day be the cause of your misery, though the particular manner thereof be concealed from me.” The king would not listen to her intreaties, but still urged his request- “Since then, you will have it so,” says she, “I must necessarily grant you a favour of which you will dearly repent.” Hereupon she chafed his shoulders with a fragrant liquor, when immediately he perceived little wings shooting at his back. These little wings were not discernable under his habit; and when he had a mind to fly, he needed only to touch them with his hand, and they would spread so as to bear him through the air swifter than an eagle. When he had no farther occasion for his wings, with a touch they shrunk again to a small size, as to lie so concealed under his garment.

By this magic, Alferute was able to translate himself, in a few moments, wherever he pleased. He knew every thing, and no man could conceive how he came by his intelligence; for he would often, retire into his closet, and pretend to be shut up there the whole day, with strict orders not to be disturbed; then making himself invisible with his ring, he would enlarge his wings with a touch, and traverse vast countries. By this power he entered into very extraordinary wars, and never failed to triumph. But, as he continually saw into the secrets of men,