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King and Fairy Ring

was but a very small remainder of jealousy and distrust blended with his love.

The fairy who had foretold the fatal consequences of his last request, came so often to warn him, that he thought her importunity troublesome. Therefore he gave orders, That she should no longer be admitted into the palace, and enjoined the queen not to receive her visits for the future. The queen promised to obey his commands, but not without much unwillingness, because she loved this good fairy.

It happened one day, when the king was upon a progress, that the fairy, desirous to instruct the queen in futurity, entered her apartment in the appearance of a young officer, and immediately declared, in a whisper, who she was; whereupon the queen embraced her with tenderness. The king, who was then invisible, perceivd it, and was instantly fired with jealousy. He drew his sword, and pierced the queen, who fell expiring into his arms. In that moment the fairy resumed her true shape, whereupon the king knew her, and was convinced of the queen’s innocence. Then would he have killed himself, but the fairy with-held his hand, and strove to comfort him; when the queen, breathing but her last words, said, “Though I die by your hands, I die wholly yours.”