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Page:National Anthems of the Allies.djvu/11

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God Save the King
The British National Anthem

Words and Music by Henry Carey
Harmonized by
Chas. Vincent, Mus. Doc, Oxon.

\relative c'' {
    \new Voice = "anthem" {
      \key g \major
      \time 3/4
        g g a
        fis4. g8 a4
        b b c
        b4. a8 g4
        a g fis
        d'4 d d
        d4. c8 b4
        c c c
        c4. b8 a4
        b c8[( b)] a[( g)]
        b4. c8 d4
        e8( c) b4 a
        g2. \bar ":|."
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "anthem" {
      \set stanza = #"1. "
      God save our grac -- ious King,
      Long live our no -- ble King,
      God Save the King!
      Send him vic -- to -- ri -- ous,
      Hap -- py and glo -- ri -- ous,
      Long to __ reign o -- ver us;
      God save the King!
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "anthem" {
      \set stanza = #"2. "
      O Lord our God, a -- rise!
      Scat -- ter our en -- e -- mies,
      And make them fall!
      Con -- found their pol -- i -- tics;
      Frus -- trate their knav -- ish tricks;
      On Thee our __ hopes we fix;
      God save us all.
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "anthem" {
      \set stanza = #"3. "
      Thy choic -- est gifts in store
      On him be pleased to pour;
      Long may he reign; 
      May he de -- fend our laws,
      And ev -- er give us cause
      To sing, with __ heart and voice;
      God save the King!
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \key g \major
        <g d b>4\f <d g> <e a>
        <d fis>4. <cis g'>8 <d a'>4
        << { <d b'>4 b' <c e,>4 } \\ { s4 g8[ fis] s4 } >> % polyphonic bar
        <d b'>4. <c a'>8 <b g'>4
        <e a> <d g> <c fis>
        <b d g>4. a'8 b[ c]
        <d, g b d>4 <d g b d> <d g b d>
        <d g b d>4. <d fis a c>8 <d g b>4
        <d fis a c> <d fis a c> <d fis a c>
        << { <c' d,>4. <d, g b>8 <d fis a>4 } \\ { fis4 a8 s4. } >> % polyphonic bar
        << { <d, g b>4 <fis c'>8 <g b> <d a'> <cis g'> } \\ { s4 d4 s4 } >> % polyphonic bar
        <d g b>4. <d fis a c>8 <d f b d>4
        <e g e'>8 <e g c> <d g b>4 <c d fis! a>
        <g' d b>2.
      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        \key g \major
        <g, g,>4 <g b,> <e c>
        <d a'>4. <e a>8 <fis a>4
        g <g e> <c, g'>
        << { g'4 e8[ fis] } \\ { d2 } >> <e g>4  % polyphonic bar
        <c c'>4 <d b'> <d a'>
        <g, g'>4. r8 r4
        g8[ a b c d e16 fis]
        g8 d b d g,4
        d8[ e fis g a b16 c]
        d8[ a fis g] d4
        g a8[ g fis e]
        <d d'>[ <c c'> <b b'> <a a'>] <g g'>4
        <c c'> <d d'> <d d'>
        <g, g'>2.