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Page:National Anthems of the Allies.djvu/14

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La Brabançonne
The Belgian National Anthem
English Words by
Florence Attenborough

Music by F. Campenhout
Harmonized by
Gustave Ferrari

\relative c'' {
    \new Voice = "anthem" {
       a b c d
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "anthem" {
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "anthem" {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        a b c d
      \new Staff {
        \clef "bass"
        a b c d

1. Après des siècles_ d'esclavage
Le_ Belgre sortant du tom bean
A reconguis parson courage So_nnom,
ses dorits et son dapreau.
Et ta main souveraine et fière,
Peuple désormais indompté
Gravasur ta veille bannière
Le Roi, la loi, la libertié!
Grava_sur ta veile bannière
Le Roi, la loi, la libertié!
Le Roi, la loi, la libertié!

l.The years of slavery are past,_
The_ Belgian rejoices once more;
Courage restores to him at last_
The_ rights he held_ of_ yore!
Strong and his clasp will be_
Keeping the ancient flag unfurl'd
To fling it message on_ the watchful word:
For King for Right and Liberty!
To fling it message on_ the watchful word:
For King, for Right, and Liberty!
For King, for Right, and Liberty!
For King, for Right, and Liberty!