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Italy adaptable to the stationary state, 105 ; a gainer by war, 141

Japanese, 31, 32
Java, climate of, 42
Jemappes won by half -trained troops, 118
Jevons, Prof., on the coal-measures, 174, note
Jews in Russia, 76-80 ; capable of of agriculture, 77 ; causes of their increase, 78, 79 ; appear a danger to the Empire, 80
Johnson, Dr., a lover of town life, 147 ; social sphere of, 157 ; his estimate of Cowley and Shakespeare, 307 ; of Savage and Gray, 308
Juarez, 33, 55
Junius, a journalist, 318 ; overrated, 319
Juvenal praises city life, with a reservation, 148, 149 ; too vehement for modern times, 293

Kaffirs take refuge under British rule, 36
Kanakas, some qualities of the, 32
Kant's estimate of Englishmen, 99 ; on patriotism, 183
Keble on a moral order, 268, 269
Kempis on predestination, 268 ; his view generally taken, 269
Kloster-Zeven, capitulation of, 122
Knowles, Sheridan, value of success of, 165

Labour, its regulation by law inevitable, 12
Lacordaire, why silenced, 194
Las Casas, 210
Laveleye on communal property, 106
Law, Mississippi scheme of, 177
Leibnitz, his doctrine of eternal life, 272
Lely on Englishmen, 99, note
Lesseps, M. de, vindicates climate of Nicaragua, 57
Lewis, Cornewall, predictions by, 4-6
Life may be prolonged by science, 321, 322 ; and this will be a gain to knowledge, 323 ; and to political order, 323-324 ; but will rob life of brightness and energy, 324-326
Local feeling dying out, 258
London, riotous meetings in, 281
Lords, House of, if abolished, 109
Louis XV., 190 ; censured by the Church, 197, 198
Lowell on patriotism, 183, 184
Loyola's conversion, 269
Luther's old name for the Turks, 133 ; perplexed by the liberty of the Reformation, 195 ; on temptations, 268
Lytton, Bulwer, success of, on the stage, 165

Macaulat on Junius, 319 M'Cormick patents reaping-machine in America, 102, note 1
Machiavel uses uncritical materials, 305
Magyars crowded out in Hungary, 69
Mahommedanism a possible force in China, 131-133
Mahommedans of Yunnan, 34 ; of China, 132
Mahrattas, desolation caused by, 321 Maine's success, 309 ; work in journalism, 318
Maistre, De, paradox by, 141 ; on teaching religion, 216
Malaysia, capabilities of, 42, 43
Malthus, doctrines of, 142
Maories, 32
Marcus Aurelius, 89 ; his despondency, 339
Marlborough superseded by Wellington, 332
Marriage anciently indissoluble, 236-238 ; idea of purity imported into, 238-240 ; the marriage of suitability, 240-243 ; is being superseded by the marriage of inclination, which implies divorce, 243-245 ; and at least tends to weaken the marriage bond, 245-247 ; diminished importance of, favours individualism, 251-253
Mars-la-Tour, heroism of German infantry at, 139
Mashonaland, future of, 31
Matabeleland, future of, 31
Mauritius, decay of French in, 76
Meeting, public right of, everywhere restrained, 281, 282
Meissen, porcelain of, 107
Mejia, 33, 55
Mendez, 56
Merv, 43, note, 44
Meteren's estimate of Englishmen, 99
Mexico, Indians of, not exterminated, 33 ; whites can labour in, 33 ; population of, how composed, 54, 55 ; ruling class white, 56 ; use of guerillas revived in, 121
Michelet on French revolutionary levies, 116
Military education likely to be generalised, 136 ; in some respects advantageous to character, 138-141, 265
Mill condemns State labour, 107, 108 ; a master of style, 311, 312
Milton perhaps a gainer by solitude, 149
Milton a product of Puritan and Hellenic