Page:National Lyrics.pdf/173

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The soldier's heart at thy step leaped high,
    And thy voice the war-horse knew;
And the first to arm, when the foe was nigh,
    Wert thou, the bold and true.

Now mayest thou slumber—thy work is done—
    Thou of the well-worn sword!
From the stormy fight in thy fame thou'rt gone,
    But not to the festal board.

The corn-sheaves whisper thy grave around,
    Where fiery blood hath flowed:—
Oh! lover of battle and trumpet-sound!
    Thou art couch'd in a still abode!

A quiet home from the noonday's glare,
    And the breath of the wintry blast—
Didst thou toil thro' the days of thy silvery hair,
    To win thee but this at last?