Page:National Lyrics.pdf/29

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The child of beauty and of poesy,
And of soft Grecian skies—oh! who may dream
Of all that from her changeful eye flashed forth,
Or glanced more quiveringly through starry tears,
As on her land's rich vision, fane o'er fane
Coloured with loving light—she gazed her last,
Her young life's last, that hour! From her pale brow
And burning cheek she threw the ringlets back,
And bending forward—as the spirit swayed
The reed-like form still to the shore beloved,
Breathed the swan-music of her wild farewell
O'er dancing waves:—"Oh! linger yet," she cried,

      "Oh! linger, linger on the oar,
        Oh! pause upon the deep!
    That I may gaze yet once, once more,
Where floats the golden day o'er fane and steep,
Never so brightly smiled mine own sweet shore;
—Oh! linger, linger on the parting oar!