CITIES DON‘T GROW—they are built
V ‘I HE old order changeth," Time was when the city and its community took
T little thought of its advancement. it simply “just growed.“ or it simply just
didn‘t grow. while its citizens thanked or blamed Providence and let it go at
that. Only recently has it occurred to property owners. to business and to professional
men. that with the stranger Within the gates. the new resident and his family. and the
new manufacturer comes exclusively the pure gold of community advancement and of individual prosperity,
Prosperous communities have quit trying to grow—they have commented to build. There are two great forces that have cooperated to bring about this new era. The on . that new type of citizen. genus booster. who has done the dreaming. but hmtled while he dreamed. The other is the printed page—Community Advertising- {or through this dynamic force town after town is being put on the map of the pros perous. Your city, your community. has its advantages. Perhaps you lead in one or more essential thing: but little good will it do you or your town. unless you tell the world~unless you advertise.
A city in the Middle West several ears ago nt 540.000 on Community Adver- tising. lt secured a number of manu acturing pants. marked increase in pro rty values and, best of all. LDDO workmen with their lamilies. The most humble wor with his family produces each year about $1.00; in yroll wealth. The wealth. by the way. on which any community must almost exc usively depend. What then did trim 1.000 mln mean to this advertising city? The astounding incrmse of each year at mane in circulation. Remember. too. that the advertisingcut was only a one-time coat. w ile this lncraasc in payroll wealth is a permanent asset.
in one of aur leading ounvention cities visitors leave each year $ af new money. These conventions are secured through Community Advertising. Again. I city in the South raised her first advertising fund by certain property owners giving 3: .oo for each front foot of property that they owned In Iiss than a year's lime there was a Sin no per front foot advanaei which means that every man who donated to this particular advertisin fund. received the considerable honorarium of L000 per cent on every dollar that he ad invested,
Thu: are not extravagant: Or unusual examples, but would be addm to at great length. There are also many instances of towns of even less than population that have advertised and gotten as good proponiorlate result: for the money expended.
NATIONAL WATERWAYS‘ staff has men who have been prominently identified with many of the most successful Community Advertising Campaigns. Their services are at your disposal. Get your ”boosters" together and we will send you an expert who will assist without charge in raising your fund and in any other way in which he can be of value. All we ask is that you consider the obvious merits of NATIONAL WATER- WAYS as one of the mediums for your Community Advertising.
jmns WM BRYAN. Businus Manager