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Chitra: A Play in One Act Cloth, $r.oo and $i.^o; leather, $i.6o and$z.oo " He has given us the soul of the East disembodied of its sen- suality, and within it shines the most perfect tribute to true womanhood and its claims." — Pall Mall Gazette. " The play is told with the simplicity and wonder of imagery always characteristic of Rabindranath Tagore." — Cleveland Plain Dealer.

The Crescent Moon : Child Poems Cloth, %i.2S and $1.^0 ; leather, $i.6o and$z.oo "Comes closest to life as we know it and to the spirit of the West. . . . We can accept his lyrics of children in full com- prehension of their worth, even though we have few poets who speak with such understanding." — The Outlook. " Tagore is probably the greatest living poet, and this book of child poems has the bloom of all young life upon it faithfully transcribed by genius." — Metropolitan.

The Gardener Cloth, $1.2^ and $/.jo ; leather, $i.6o and %2.oo " The very stuff of imagination. . . . Their beauty is as deli- cate as the reflection of the color of a flower." — Westminster Gazette. " The verses in this book are far finer and more genuine than even the best in ' Gitanjali.' " — The Daily News (London) .

THE MACMILLAN COMPANY FubliBhers 64-66 Fifth Avenae New York