Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/101

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that her last hour had come. She trembled from head to foot.

"Indian treats well those that treat him well," said the man, taking the tomahawk. "White girl belong to Indian now, she got to mind him, mind equaw, mind papoose, then all well; but if she no mind, then Indian take her scalp and hang it in the door of the wigwam."

He then grasped her tightly by the arm and said:

"Lie down."

Nattie tumbled on to the mat at his feet.

"Put blanket on her," he said to the squaw, who approached to do his bidding.

"White squaw knows her place now," he said; "no more trouble."

The two little Indian boys were put by Nattie's side; and all, save the wretched girl, were soon locked in slumber. She was thinking of her sad condition, and whether there might be any means of escape. As yet, she did not know how far