Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/116

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her brothers. While unwilling to receive a favor from Nattie, she had a true Indian's curiosity.

"Now we know as much as white folks," said Fox Heart, proudly.

"Why, you can't read," said Nattie.

"Can't we?" said the boy; "don't we know all the letters."

"But you don't know the words which these letters make."

"Oh, then, there is more to learn, is there?" asked the boy. "I will get you another piece of birch, if you will make us the words."

"I couldn't make for you one half of the words, if I had all the birch in your forest," said Nattie; "nor do I know how to spell them, or call them, myself."

Fox Heart wondered, and said:

"Then it seems that you don't know much, after all."

"I can read in easy books," said Nattie; "but I am not old enough to know much of all there is