Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/120

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hope had been, "—Father will find me and take me home."

But months had passed since she was brought to the wigwam in the forest, and still her father had not found her. Would he ever do so? She began to fear not.

The old chief was expected home now. His coming was talked of daily. He was to bring Torch Eye with him; and Nattie was given to understand that she must look upon the youth as her future husband. The prospect caused her much uneasiness. She could not give up the hope of being restored to her friends. Latterly, there had been distressing pains in her forehead, and often, when she was bending over her bead-work, there would come a sudden dazzle, followed by a confusion in which all sight was for a moment suspended. Then sickness and nausea would follow, and the work would have to be put by for the day, while she went forth with the papooses to gather fuel in the woods, or help dig a row of