Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/173

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Power was very sweet to her little heart. If her subjects showed any signs of revolt, she applied the spur, by threatening to report their short comings to old North Wind, without delay.

The poor squaws had few opportunities to lounge, smoke and take their ease.

When Nattie had been reigning queen of the wigwam about two months, there came a visitor. It was Augustus Reid. He looked rather melancholy, and asked for the old chief. Nattie said that he had gone a journey with his family.

"And left you to the care of strangers?"

"I am very well provided for," said Nattie; "and they will all get home again, in the spring."

"I think that your head was troubled when I saw you last," said the youth, looking at her kindly; "has it now got well?"

"It is almost well," answered Nattie; "I do not see white beads now, nor hear a rushing like loud waters, as I did."

"Do you make pin-cushions now, or write let-