Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/188

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great, black bottle which he produced from his pocket, and soon they became like furious fiends, tearing and rending through the wigwam. The squaws were dragged from their hiding places, the old man and boy were pelted with huge, hard snow-balls, the mats and blankets were thrown on the fire, the willow baskets and the moccasins with which Nattie had purposed to buy herself finery, soon followed, and when she screamed and ran forward as if to rescue them from the flames, she received a blow which sent her reeling to the ground.

They kept up their work of destruction till night came on; and then, firing the wigwam in a dozen different places, they fled away by the light of it. In five minutes it was all in a glow. The poor Indians, stupefied with terror, made no efforts to escape, and perished miserably in the flames.

When the great moon came up above the eastern horizon, it shone on the blackened ruins