Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/199

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"He wants you to lead a life like his own, I suppose," said the wife; "to be skilled in hunting, in the use of the tomahawk, and become, at length, a brave leader among the wild race."

"All this he desires," was the answer.

"And what more?" the young woman asked, not from mere idle curiosity. Her countenance evinced an interest in the young man before her; but the question caused him embarrassment.

He rose, and walked toward the window. The husband exchanged glances with his wife, and hastened to turn the conversation into another channel.

"When I was a boy at home, a dozen or more years ago," the contractor said, "a squad of Indians used to come to our village every fall, put up their tents, and remain till spring. They made baskets and sold them, and I don't know that they did any harm; they seemed to be peaceable and inoffensive, and almost all the villagers traded with them. I suppose now that they must