Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/244

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an oblong shape. The cover seemed to be tightly glued in its place, but by the use of his pocket knife he soon had it removed. The strips of bright broad-cloth, containing the names of "Red Rose," "Black-bird," "Fox Heart," "Light-foot" and "Sweet Fern", met his gaze. The box was of thick metal, so the heat of the fire had not penetrated, to shrivel the cloth, or mar the whiteness of the beads. It seemed like Nattie's very self speaking to the young man, as he gazed. A new thought and purpose took possession of him, as he closed the box and put it in his pocket.

"I will hesitate no longer," he said, "nor seek to hide a father's misdeeds. Nathalie may yet be living; or, at all events, I am persuaded that she did not perish 'neath these ruins; thus her fate is yet unknown. I will goto her own people, relate her story, and invite their aid in clearing up the still dread uncertainty which hangs about her."

"Night was again falling, when the young