Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/26

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hold of the bail to lift it from the stove, when the cover came off, letting the hot steam up in her face. She screamed, and let go the kettle, which fell to the floor, and the hot potatoes went rolling in all directions. Just then Bridget came in, and her face put on its reddest tinge when she saw the state of things in the kitchen. The stifling smoke which filled the sick-room, and, indeed, the whole house, had brought upon Mrs. Nesmith a severe fit of coughing, while Nattie was driving about in a wild manner, complaining of the smart which the hot steam had given her face and hands.

"What shall I do, Biddy?" she cried. "I am afraid the skin will all come off from my face; and my eyes are running out of my head."

"If ye had minded my words, the pain wouldn't have come to ye," said Biddy, with a hardness rather unusual to her. "As for me, I shall go at once to your poor mother, as has got one of her coughings on her, all owing to your misdoings; and you had better be afther claning