Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/286

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father any preparation for so great a surprise, but thinking it best to get through the first meeting as soon as possible, he said:

"Come, father, and see if you can guess a little closer to the truth than you did just now, by telling us whom we have here, on this cot bed?"

Mr. Nesmith hastened to the door of the bed-room, but had hardly glanced towards the couch, before two eager, imploring arms were stretched out toward him, while a voice, in a very agony of yearning and affection, cried:

"My father! my father!"

Then the little form began to crawl down from the bed, to reach his feet; but the father hastened toward her. If he could not, in a moment, recognize the thin, pale face, he knew the voice of his child, and the response which his own heart made to her anguished call. That call! It told of all her sufferings, her longings, her deep, deep joy and thankfulness for once more seeing his face.

"My heart is too full for words," said the