Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/56

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moment's delay, in a soft voice and with downcast eyes:

"Nattie is not as good-natured as some girls, and perhaps that is the reason why a good many girls don't like her. Most of us are rather afraid of Nattie."

"Why atraid?" asked Mr. Stone.

"Oh, she is pretty strong, and pretty sharp."

"Does she ever strike then?"

"Sometimes; or else she laughs at us in a way that makes us feel as bad, nearly."

"Well, suppose that she had got angry with her folks at home, from some cause, and wanted to hide away from them for a few days, where do you think she would be most likely to go?"

Hattie thought a few moments, and then looking up, said:

"To the top of the house."

"But we have faithfully searched the house, from garret to cellar; she can not be anywhere concealed in it," said Mr. Stone. "Think again."