Page:Nattie Nesmith (1870).pdf/77

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seek a shelter; and where should she go? She felt no inclination to return to the warm room which she had just left. Her passions were yet fiercely stirred by the reprimands and slights which, as she considered, had been heaped upon her. Jealousy still raged within her breast, as she thought of the attention which her sister and Biddy had lavished upon her mother all the afternoon, while her scalded face and hands received scarcely any notice.

Darkness at length began to settle around her, and then, without having fully determined whither to direct her steps, she descended from the roof, and turned toward the street. Here she paused, and looked first up, then down the street. It was the hour when the village people took their evening meal, and there were no foot passengers abroad. Nattie was at a loss which way to go. At length she saw a great, uncouth-looking figure coming toward her at a striding pace. She was afraid to go and meet it, so she thought that she