Page:Natural History, Fishes.djvu/69

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which have these fins very large, and several long supplementary rays in front of them.


The following seventeen Families of Acanthopterygian Fishes are enumerated in the synopsis of the Prince of Canino, who gives the affixed number of species known (in 1831) to belong to each.

1 Percadæ 483
2 Sphyrænadæ 15
3 Mullidæ 42
4 Trigladæ 164
5 Sciænadæ 231
6 Sparidæ 158
7 Mænadæ 43
8 Chætodontidæ 157
9 Scombridæ 262
10 Cepoladæ 14
11 Teuthididæ 60
12 Ophiocephalidæ 40
13 Mugilidæ 52
14 Gobiadæ 173
15 Lophiadæ 40
16 Labridæ 283
17 Fistulariadæ 15
Total 2232