Page:Natural History (1848).djvu/250

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it grunts like a pig, and comes boldly forth to ascertain the cause of the disturbance, though it can make no effort at defence. Its only resource is in retreating, and burrowing to a greater depth. It feeds upon soft ground-fruits and roots, and also on carrion, whenever it can find it; and a



large portion of the sustenance of this, as well as of other species, is derived from the numberless wild cattle which are caught and slaughtered on the Pampas for the sake of the hides and tallow, the carcases of which are left, as valueless, to decay, or to become the prey of wild animals. Notwithstanding the filthy nature of their food, the Armadillos, being very fat, are eagerly sought for food by the inhabitants of European descent, as well as by the Indians. The animal is roasted in its shell, and is esteemed one of the greatest delicacies of