Page:Natural History (1848).djvu/79

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bony projections for the attachment of powerful muscles; the jaws, short, and of great strength, are furnished with few teeth, but of the most trenchant and formidable character, the motive power of which is confined to a vertical, cutting action; and the tongue is covered, particularly at its anterior portion, with numerous horny points (papillæ) directed backwards in close array, which enable the animal to rasp off, as it were, portions of the flesh on which it is feeding, and to expose fresh series of blood-vessels, as well as to scrape off all particles of muscle from the bones.

The mechanism by which the points of the claws are preserved from injury is beautifully effective.

a. Toe of Lion, with the claw extended.
b, c. The same, without the skin, retracted and extended.

Every one is aware, who has handled the velvet paw of a cat, that in its ordinary condition the talons are quite concealed, but that in excitement they are forcibly thrown forward. The last joint of each toe, the tip of which is encased by the claw, is, in rest, drawn back either upon, or at the side of, the preceding joint, by the force of two